Friday, July 20, 2007

Reality Checkpoint

We are bombarded with images of "perfect" bodies. These images reflect what others (i.e. advertisers) want us to believe.

So, for many of us, these images become the ideal. And so begins our qwest to look like "that guy" or "that girl".

But there is a serious problem with using these images as goals: They are not us.

Let me explain what that (seemingly obvious) statement means.

How these men and women got to look like that has nearly nothing to do with what our potential is.

The reality is that (1) some of them are just genetically gifted - they were just BORN that way (i.e. perfect proportions, low bodyfat, great skin, etc.) and (2) some of them "cheated" to look that way (i.e. surgery, airbrushed images, pharmaceuticals / steroids).

For most of us, those two factors are not in the cards. So, we'll have to work hard to get our Optimum Body. But just knowing this sets us on the path to success. We begin our journey with the knowledge that the road might be long with several hill (or mountains) to climb.

But beginning with reasonable expectations is much more prudent than thinking that "you too can have a body like that with just 3 twenty minute workouts per week."

Reasonable expectations allow for good planning, and deciding if we have to will to do what is required to achieve our goals.

And only those with the will to succeed will succeed.

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